Energize Delaware
Open the door to energy-efficient upgrades
Get a home energy assessment, which includes installing energy-saving products, and you can qualify for significant rebates on energy-saving upgrades from Energize Delaware!
What Is an Energy Assessment?
A specially trained participating contractor will examine all the areas of your home that may cause discomfort, have energy-efficiency problems and use too much electricity. The participating contractor will check:
- Insulation levels
- How “tight” or “leaky” your home is to outside air
- Moisture problems
- The condition of your appliances
- The efficiency of your heating and cooling system
- Lighting
Why Should I Participate
- Savings of at least 20% on utility bills.
- Fewer drafts and more comfortable rooms.
- Rebates available to offset upgrade costs.
- Work performed by trained participating contractors.
- Healthier, safer, higher-quality home.
- Decreased greenhouse-gas emissions.
- Increased efficiency and lower monthly energy costs.
- Low-Interest loan available to pay for costs not covered by rebates.