Thinking of converting to natural gas?
Delmarva Power has been aggressively running natural gas lines everywhere they can reach. Do you live in an area or community that has natural gas available?
If you heat with oil or propane, you may be thinking of switching to natural gas.
Yes we sell heating oil, but Burns & McBride also has a full service heating and air conditioning department that can help with any type of service, replacement, repair, or conversion. We are the largest Carrier heating and air conditioning and Bosch boiler dealer in Delaware.
We have helped hundreds of homeowners work through the process of converting from oil or propane to natural gas.
Over the years we have learned a number of lessons – and this winter’s cold weather taught us a few more. Regardless of what type fuel you use to heat your home, proper system design and installation is absolutely critical. We keep all of those lessons in mind for your unique needs.
When you design your new natural gas system, there are some very important things to keep in mind.